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Wavy Furred Sugars


With there being several more “wavy” gliders popping up around the community and the “hype” that is building around them I wanted to put out there that I have been working with a line of mine since they produced a very, what I would have called “curly” at the time, wavy baby around the same time the TAC line gliders were being introduced back in 2019.

Back then there wasn’t a lot of information that I could research on/compare with what I was producing, and I spoke with a few breeders about it, but really didn't get very far with it. After speaking with Alyssa @ Hot Boxed Extotics(who is the current owner/developer of the TAC line), she advised what I was producing was not the same as what was being seen/experienced with the TAC lines. Other breeders had advised that there have been wavy gliders for a while, but nothing had really come from it and that there were theories that this fur was maybe due to diet or poor grooming.

In the last year or so there has been more material that I have been able to review, research, and look at regarding these gliders. I have some theories that are still being tested so I won’t go into detail until I have proved or disproved those theories.

I will say since my first baby that had this fluffy, wavy fur, I have been working with that line more closely. I have dedicated my program to the project of breeding this out to see where it takes us, and most of my current breeding program are “wavy” gliders.

What I can confidently say in what I currently know about the wavy fur is that it is progressive, the older they get the more developed it becomes and it is passing down through the generations.  I currently have 3 generations(photo of 3rd generation above) from this line and a pairing for the next generation is in the works.

The rest of the information I have thus far is still theoretical, and being tested/bred out to try and prove or disprove it. Once I have more concrete information to share I will be sharing it here.


With all that being said, I did add two gliders from the TAC lines to my breeding program this spring(2022). These gliders will NOT be a part of the above mentioned project, but I do hope to produce some sweet, pretty little curly babies with them.

Hey Everyone!

I want to make sure that I keep you all updated on this project with any new progresses that is being seen.  That being said I still do not plan to go into depth with my information, but I do want to keep you all updated.  As I have updates there will be "tabs" at the top of this note (where it says updates) with the date of the update that you will be able to click on and read through.


I am also going to be working on getting a gallery created with dated progression photos of the gliders that are in this project for you all to see.  When the gallery is complete I will post a link somewhere within the this page.  

All that being said just a quick update that things are progressing with this project and so far I am fairly pleased with the results, I'm excited for the new pairings we have coming up and hopefully they will take us a step farther!


For anyone following this project, thank you so much for your interest and support!


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